The Coffee Field Day is a major event for regional coffee producers, related professionals and students. Our Brazil Joint Venture Partner and Regional Manager, Eduardo de Paula, used this opportunity to show the promising results SanoVita Brazil is having on coffee plantation. Visible effects relate both, to floration and vegetative strength and to yield increase and improvement of quality parameters. First coffee producers are now starting to introduce the SanoVita technology into their production approach.
Coffee Field Day at the Federal Institute of Sul de Minas, Muzambinho (Brasil)
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The Coffee Field Day is a major event for regional coffee producers, related professionals and students. Our Brazil Joint Venture Partner and Regional Manager, Eduardo de Paula, used this opportunity to show the promising results SanoVita Brazil is having on coffee plantation. Visible effects relate both, to floration and vegetative strength and to yield increase and improvement of quality parameters. First coffee producers are now starting to introduce the SanoVita technology into their production approach.